Some useful links

1. The BBC can barely bring itself to concede that industrial agriculture is good for the planet.
2. A good sentence from Ezra Klein:
"One of the really difficult things about getting people to eat better is convincing them that it's not just a way for others to impose class-based lifestyle preferences on one another." (via @EdwardBellamy)
3. @BPGlobalPR took his act live this week, and it didn't go over so well (via @Josh_Greenberg)"
Personally, I find his act far more powerful when it focuses on clever, pointed mockery of BP PR, so I asked for his thoughts on how this illusion of authenticity has helped create such a powerful message.
I even requested that he break character for a moment, to give an honest answer.
"Break character?" he scoffed. "Sir, give me your Twitter handle because you are at the top of my pickledick list!"
4. The Authenticity Hoax has been named-checked by New York celebrity chef Eddie Huang:
"I've been gettin crunk on the weekends with the goon squad, watching the NBA Finals, Boondocks, and reading this book 'The Authenticity Hoax' by: Andrew Potter."