Why the terrorists hate us this week: Glamping

This is as wretched as it was inevitable:
You heard it here (or here) first. Anyone who’s anyone is spending $1,660 to sleep in a sleeping bag in midtown Manhattan. It’s called “glamping,” (glam camping—did you pick up on that?) and the Hyatt 48 Lex is the premiere destination. This summer, the luxury boutique hotel is offering patrons the chance to experience Manhattan’s iconic skyline from a different perspective: within it. They have a total of eight private terraces with high-end air beds, sleeping bags, and lanterns for that outdoorsman who doesn’t want to actually deal with, you know, nature.
“The idea is to create an urban adventure, like camping but in the middle of the city,” says the hotel’s director of sales and marketing, Deirdre Yack.