Baba, Banksy, Burgers: Some links, updates, and misc.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of writing a book in the Internet Age is the way it turns a book into an ongoing conversation with readers. I've been getting all sorts of helpful feedback on the book, suggestions for additional readings, criticisms, and plain old fun links. I try to reply to every message I get within a reasonable period of time, but sometimes I forget, and sometimes I don't have time to give it all the proper attention.
But here's some stuff I've been sent over the past few months that I want to acknowledge, and hopefully remind myself to get to it sooner than later.
1. Baba Brinkman has a new song out, about US health care reform. He's also on tour with the latest incarnation of the Rebel Cell -- review of it here.
2. Banksy gets a makeover, Simpsons-style! (via @nehathanki)
3. In Praise of Fast Food, from the Utne reader. It looks excellent -- it was sent to me by Andrew MacLeod.
4. Alison Loat sent me a link to a TVO video featuring Joel Kotkin, arguing that our future lies not in large urban centres, but in smaller, more human scale communities like suburbs.
5. Melissa Nylander brought to my attention this great documentary called Yoga Inc., "about how the Westernization/commodification of yoga challenges its authenticity as a sport, spiritual movement, and aspect of Indian culture."
6. @thewyndtunnel alerted me to this NYT Mag piece about video games, Afghanistan, and authenticity -- pretty much everything a growing boy needs!.