Catching Up

This blog took a longer-than-expected post-holiday break, but I've been doing a fair amount of writing in other places.
1. For Maclean's, I wrote about the hyper-local fiasco at the Hamilton Farmers' Market. The story continues to evolve, and I hope to have a longer update on the situation soon.
2. For Mediaite, I wrote a piece calling Jon Stewart a reactionary, which cost me mondo twitter followers.
3. Here is my take on the Arizona shootings; includes video of me talking about the column. Not recommended.
4. Speaking of video: last Friday, I joined five other white guys in talking about the past, present, and future of Canadian nationalism on The Agenda.
5. I started a tumblr! Not sure why yet.
6. Oh, and I spoke with the lovely (and lovely-named) Marie-Soleil Desautels about authentic travel for La Presse.