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Moral pressure at the cash register: No one likes it. 

I asked my Twitter followers how they feel about the growing trend where retail outlets ask you if you care to make a donation to a charity of their choice, just as you are slapping down an unreasonable amount of money for booze, junk food, trinkets, gewgaws, or other unnecessary items. 
Either I have a churlish set of Twitter followers, or it's a widely despised phenomenon. Here are some responses. 
  Giving a donation when you're wallet is already out is kinda like getting sucked in by an internet pop up.

  I always say no.

  I think (I KNOW) it works. I would like to know how big the "guilt factor" is - why do not more people say no?

  annoying but wonder if it is effective.

  If they offer charitable donation receipts, then I have no problem.
  Depends on how reputable the charity is and how hard the sell . . . but I'm not opposed to it in principle.
  I don't agree. They put you on the spot. Their choice may not be my choice.
  Hate being asked, hate that a cashier is forced to ask me. Feels like supporting their corporate "goodwill," not cause itself
  interesting use of social pressure, e.g., dont want to look like a Scrooge to cashier & people in line.
  I hate it. And I'm cynical so I know that the strategy is "people can't refuse so it's a golden idea for fundraising".


  Hate that. But often get sucked in. The guilt!

 *%$#! RT : What do we think about retail outlets that ask you to donate to a charity of their choice at the cash register?
  Good luck saying no to a CHEO donation when your kids are with you.
  If it raises money for a good cause why not. If you disagree with the charity, just say no. Generally not a pressure sale.


  We feel bad for those employees, who have been told that their numbers are being tracked and minimums are expected.