Some links for the long weekend

In blind taste test, Danish people prefer cheap frozen chicken to expensive fresh chicken.
A new ethnography of lap dancing.
Copenhagen cuisine has entered the realm of extreme authenticity.
Why the streets of Copenhagen are so different from ours. (Answer: Bikes)
After years of pretending to be sick to avoid military duty, young Danish men are now lying about their health problems in order to serve.
The Authentic Brands Group manages, inter alia, the Bob Marley and Marilyn Monroe brands.
On Romney: "What the search for authenticity should not attempt to do is serve as a kind of placeholder for character".
Artisan bagel baker sues Dunkin' Donuts for calling its bagels "artisan".
For al-Aswany, Eltahawy, and dozens of other liberal intellectuals, the urge to maintain “authenticity” and “credibility” in the new Arab landscape—not to mention feeding the angry Twitter mobs—trumps fidelity to liberal values any day.
Authenticity and the economy of esteem